Как сделать калькулятор в Delphi?

Delphi - объектно-ориентированный язык программирования, разработанный компанией Borland в 1995 году. Он основан на языке программирования Pascal, но имеет более расширенные возможности и добавлены новые функции.

Как Delphi реализует многоплатформенную разработку?

Delphi является интегрированной средой разработки (IDE), которая позволяет разрабатывать программное обеспечение для различных платформ, включая Windows, macOS, Android и iOS. Delphi достигает многоплатформенности с помощью...

Как использовать CHM help в своём проекте

Советы » Help файлы » Как использовать CHM help в своём проекте

Всё, что вам надо сделать, это сохранить ниже приведенный модуль на диске и добавить его в Uses вашего проекта. После этого Вы сможете использовать CHM файлы точно так же как и обычные HLP файлы.


StoHtmlHelp; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of context sensitive HTML help (.chm) for Delphi. // // Version: 1.2 // Author: Martin Stoeckli // Homepage: www.martinstoeckli.ch/delphi // Copyright(c): Martin Stoeckli 2002 // // Restrictions: - Works only under the Windows platform. // - Is written for Delphi v7, should work from v6 up. // // Description // *********** // This unit enables you to call ".chm" files from your Delphi projects. // You can use the normal Delphi VCL framework, write your projects the // same way, as you would using normal ".hlp" files. // // Installation // ************ // Simply add this unit to your project, that's all. // // If your help project contains files with the extension ".html" // instead of ".htm", then you can either pass the filename with the // extension to Application.HelpJump(), or you can set the property // "HtmlExt" of the global object in this unit. // StoHelpViewer.HtmlExt := '.html'; // // Examples // ******** // // assign a helpfile, you could also select the helpfile at the // // options dialog "Project/Options.../Application". // Application.HelpFile := 'C:MyHelp.chm'; // ... // // shows the contents of the helpfile // Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTENTS, 0); // // or // Application.HelpSystem.ShowTableOfContents; // ... // // opens the context sensitive help with a numerical id. // // you could do the same by setting the "HelpContext" // // property of a component and pressing the F1 key. // Application.HelpContext(1000); // // or with a string constant // Application.HelpJump('welcome'); // ... // // opens the help index with a keyword. // // you could do the same by setting the "HelpKeyword" // // property of a component and pressing the F1 key. // Application.HelpKeyword('how to do'); // interface


Classes, Windows, HelpIntfs; type

THtmlHelpA = function

(hwndCaller: HWND; pszFile: LPCSTR; uCommand: UINT; dwData: DWORD): HWND; stdcall

; TStoHtmlHelpViewer = class

(TInterfacedObject, ICustomHelpViewer, IExtendedHelpViewer, IHelpSelector) private

FViewerID: Integer; FViewerName: string

; FHtmlHelpFunction: THtmlHelpA; protected

FHHCtrlHandle: THandle; FHelpManager: IHelpManager; FHtmlExt: string

; function

GetHelpFileName: string

; function


FileName: string

): Boolean; procedure

InternalShutdown; procedure


HelpFile: string

; uCommand: UINT; dwData: DWORD); // ICustomHelpViewer function

GetViewerName: string

; function


HelpString: string

): Integer; function


HelpString: string

): TStringList; function

CanShowTableOfContents: Boolean; procedure

ShowTableOfContents; procedure


HelpString: string

); procedure


ViewerID: Integer); procedure

SoftShutDown; procedure

ShutDown; // IExtendedHelpViewer function


Topic: string

): Boolean; procedure


Topic: string

); function


ContextID: Integer; const

HelpFileName: string

): Boolean; procedure


ContextID: Integer; const

HelpFileName: string

); // IHelpSelector function

SelectKeyword(Keywords: TStrings): Integer; function

TableOfContents(Contents: TStrings): Integer; public


Create; virtual

; destructor

Destroy; override

; property

HtmlExt: string


FHtmlExt write

FHtmlExt; end

; var

StoHelpViewer: TStoHtmlHelpViewer; implementation


Forms, SysUtils, WinHelpViewer; const

// imported from HTML Help Workshop HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC = $0000; HH_HELP_FINDER = $0000; // WinHelp equivalent HH_DISPLAY_TOC = $0001; HH_DISPLAY_INDEX = $0002; HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH = $0003; HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP = $000D; HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP = $000E; // display string resource id or text in a popup window HH_HELP_CONTEXT = $000F; // display mapped numeric value in dwData HH_TP_HELP_CONTEXTMENU = $0010; // text popup help, same as WinHelp HELP_CONTEXTMENU HH_TP_HELP_WM_HELP = $0011; // text popup help, same as WinHelp HELP_WM_HELP HH_CLOSE_ALL = $0012; // close all windows opened directly or indirectly by the caller HH_ALINK_LOOKUP = $0013; // ALink version of HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP HH_GET_LAST_ERROR = $0014; // not currently implemented // See HHERROR.h type

TStoWinHelpTester = class

(TInterfacedObject, IWinHelpTester) protected

// IWinHelpTester function


ALink, FileName: string

): Boolean; function


Topic, FileName: string

): Boolean; function


Context: Integer; const

FileName: string

): Boolean; function


ALink: string

): TStringList; function

GetHelpPath: string

; function

GetDefaultHelpFile: string

; function


FileName: string

): Boolean; end

; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // like "Application.ExeName", but in a DLL you get the name of // the DLL instead of the application name function

Sto_GetModuleName: string

; var

szFileName: array

[0..MAX_PATH] of

Char; begin

FillChar(szFileName, SizeOf(szFileName), #0); GetModuleFileName(hInstance, szFileName, MAX_PATH); Result := szFileName; end

; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { TStoHtmlHelpViewer } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure


HelpFile: string

; uCommand: UINT; dwData: DWORD); begin


Assigned(FHtmlHelpFunction) then



uCommand of

HH_CLOSE_ALL: FHtmlHelpFunction(0, nil

, uCommand, dwData); // special parameters HH_GET_LAST_ERROR: ; // ignore else

FHtmlHelpFunction(FHelpManager.GetHandle, PChar(HelpFile), uCommand, dwData); end

; end

; end

; function

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.CanShowTableOfContents: Boolean; begin

Result := True; end

; constructor

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.Create; begin


Create; FViewerName := 'StoHtmlHelp'; FHtmlExt := '.htm'; // load dll FHHCtrlHandle := LoadLibrary('HHCtrl.ocx'); if

(FHHCtrlHandle <> 0) then

FHtmlHelpFunction := GetProcAddress(FHHCtrlHandle, 'HtmlHelpA'); end

; destructor

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.Destroy; begin

StoHelpViewer := nil

; // free dll FHtmlHelpFunction := nil

; if

(FHHCtrlHandle <> 0) then

FreeLibrary(FHHCtrlHandle); inherited

Destroy; end

; procedure


ContextID: Integer; const

HelpFileName: string

); var

sHelpFile: string

; begin

sHelpFile := GetHelpFileName; if

IsChmFile(sHelpFile) then

CallHtmlHelp(sHelpFile, HH_HELP_CONTEXT, ContextID); end

; procedure


Topic: string

); var

sHelpFile: string

; sTopic: string

; sFileExt: string

; begin

sHelpFile := GetHelpFileName; if

IsChmFile(sHelpFile) then


// prepare topicname as a html page sTopic := Topic; sFileExt := LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(sTopic)); if

(sFileExt <> '.htm') and

(sFileExt <> '.html') then

sTopic := sTopic + FHtmlExt; CallHtmlHelp(sHelpFile + '::/' + sTopic, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, 0); end

; end

; function

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.GetHelpFileName: string

; var

sPath: string

; begin

Result := ''; // ask for the helpfile name if

Assigned(FHelpManager) then

Result := FHelpManager.GetHelpFile; if

(Result = '') then

Result := Application.CurrentHelpFile; // if no path is specified, then add the application path // (otherwise the file won't be found if the current directory is wrong). if

(Result <> '') then


sPath := ExtractFilePath(Result); if

(sPath = '') then

Result := ExtractFilePath(Sto_GetModuleName) + Result; end

; end

; function


HelpString: string

): TStringList; begin

// create a tagged keyword Result := TStringList.Create; Result.Add(Format('%s: %s', [FViewerName, HelpString])); end

; function

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.GetViewerName: string

; begin

Result := FViewerName; end

; procedure

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.InternalShutdown; begin


Assigned(FHelpManager) then


FHelpManager.Release(FViewerID); FHelpManager := nil

; end

; end

; function


FileName: string

): Boolean; var

iPos: Integer; sFileExt: string

; begin

// find extension iPos := LastDelimiter('.', FileName); if

(iPos > 0) then


sFileExt := Copy(FileName, iPos, Length(FileName)); Result := CompareText(sFileExt, '.chm') = 0; end


Result := False; end

; procedure


ViewerID: Integer); begin

FViewerID := ViewerID; end

; function

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.SelectKeyword(Keywords: TStrings): Integer; var

i: Integer; sViewerName: string

; begin

Result := 0; i := 0; // find first tagged line (see GetHelpStrings) while

(Result = 0) and

(i <= Keywords.Count - 1) do


sViewerName := Keywords.Strings[i]; Delete(sViewerName, Pos(':', sViewerName), Length(sViewerName)); if

(FViewerName = sViewerName) then

Result := i else

Inc(i); end

; end

; procedure


HelpString: string

); var

sHelpFile: string

; sHelpString: string

; begin

sHelpFile := GetHelpFileName; if

IsChmFile(sHelpFile) then


// remove the tag if necessary (see GetHelpStrings) sHelpString := HelpString; Delete(sHelpString, 1, Pos(':', sHelpString)); sHelpString := Trim(sHelpString); CallHtmlHelp(sHelpFile, HH_DISPLAY_INDEX, DWORD(Pchar(sHelpString))); end

; end

; procedure

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.ShowTableOfContents; var

sHelpFile: string

; begin

sHelpFile := GetHelpFileName; if

IsChmFile(sHelpFile) then

CallHtmlHelp(sHelpFile, HH_DISPLAY_TOC, 0); end

; procedure

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.ShutDown; begin

SoftShutDown; if

Assigned(FHelpManager) then

FHelpManager := nil

; end

; procedure

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.SoftShutDown; begin

CallHtmlHelp('', HH_CLOSE_ALL, 0); end

; function

TStoHtmlHelpViewer.TableOfContents(Contents: TStrings): Integer; begin

// find line with viewer name Result := Contents.IndexOf(FViewerName); end

; function


ContextID: Integer; const

HelpFileName: string

): Boolean; begin

Result := IsChmFile(HelpFileName); end

; function


HelpString: string

): Integer; begin


IsChmFile(GetHelpFileName) then

Result := 1 else

Result := 0; end

; function


Topic: string

): Boolean; begin

Result := IsChmFile(GetHelpFileName); end

; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { TStoWinHelpTester } // // delphi will call the WinHelpTester to determine, if the default // winhelp should handle the requests. // don't allow anything, because delphi (v7) will create an invalid // helpfile path, calling GetHelpPath (it puts a pathdelimiter // before the filename in "TWinHelpViewer.HelpFile"). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function


ALink, FileName: string

): Boolean; begin

Result := False; // Result := IsHlpFile(FileName); end

; function


Context: Integer; const

FileName: string

): Boolean; begin

Result := False; // Result := IsHlpFile(FileName); end

; function


Topic, FileName: string

): Boolean; begin

Result := False; // Result := IsHlpFile(FileName); end

; function

TStoWinHelpTester.GetDefaultHelpFile: string

; begin

Result := ''; end

; function

TStoWinHelpTester.GetHelpPath: string

; begin

Result := ''; end

; function

TStoWinHelpTester.GetHelpStrings( const

ALink: string

): TStringList; begin

// as TWinHelpViewer would do it Result := TStringList.Create; Result.Add(': ' + ALink); end

; function


FileName: string

): Boolean; var

iPos: Integer; sFileExt: string

; begin

// file has extension '.hlp' ? iPos := LastDelimiter('.', FileName); if

(iPos > 0) then


sFileExt := Copy(FileName, iPos, Length(FileName)); Result := CompareText(sFileExt, '.hlp') = 0; end


Result := False; end

; initialization

StoHelpViewer := TStoHtmlHelpViewer.Create; RegisterViewer(StoHelpViewer, StoHelpViewer.FHelpManager); Application.HelpSystem.AssignHelpSelector(StoHelpViewer); WinHelpTester := TStoWinHelpTester.Create; finalization

// do not free StoHelpViewer, because the object is referenced by the // interface and will be freed automatically by releasing the last reference if

Assigned(StoHelpViewer) then

StoHelpViewer.InternalShutdown; end


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