Как сделать калькулятор в Delphi?

Delphi - объектно-ориентированный язык программирования, разработанный компанией Borland в 1995 году. Он основан на языке программирования Pascal, но имеет более расширенные возможности и добавлены новые функции.

Как Delphi реализует многоплатформенную разработку?

Delphi является интегрированной средой разработки (IDE), которая позволяет разрабатывать программное обеспечение для различных платформ, включая Windows, macOS, Android и iOS. Delphi достигает многоплатформенности с помощью...

Управление данными в файле своего формата

Советы » Файлы » Управление данными в файле своего формата

Copyright © 1999 by Delphi 5 Developer's Guide - Xavier Pacheco and Steve Teixeira


persrec; interface


Classes, dialogs, sysutils; type

// Define the record that will hold the person's information. TPersonRec = packed


FirstName: string

[20]; LastName: string

[20]; MI: string

[1]; BirthDay: TDateTime; Age: Integer; end

; // Create a descendant TFileStream which knows about the TPersonRec TRecordStream = class

(TFileStream) private


GetNumRecs: Longint; function

GetCurRec: Longint; procedure

SetCurRec(RecNo: Longint); protected


GetRecSize: Longint; virtual

; public


SeekRec(RecNo: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; function


Rec): Longint; function


Rec): Longint; function


Rec): Longint; procedure

First; procedure

Last; procedure

NextRec; procedure

PreviousRec; // NumRecs shows the number of records in the stream property

NumRecs: Longint read

GetNumRecs; // CurRec reflects the current record in the stream property

CurRec: Longint read

GetCurRec write

SetCurRec; end

; implementation


TRecordStream.GetRecSize: Longint; begin

{ This function returns the size of the record that this stream knows about (TPersonRec) } Result := SizeOf(TPersonRec); end

; function

TRecordStream.GetNumRecs: Longint; begin

// This function returns the number of records in the stream Result := Size div

GetRecSize; end

; function

TRecordStream.GetCurRec: Longint; begin

{ This function returns the position of the current record. We must add one to this value because the file pointer is always at the beginning of the record which is not reflected in the equation: Position div GetRecSize } Result := (Position div

GetRecSize) + 1; end

; procedure

TRecordStream.SetCurRec(RecNo: Longint); begin

{ This procedure sets the position to the record in the stream specified by RecNo. } if

RecNo > 0 then

Position := (RecNo - 1) * GetRecSize else


Exception.Create('Cannot go beyond beginning of file.'); end

; function

TRecordStream.SeekRec(RecNo: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; begin

{ This function positions the file pointer to a location specified by RecNo } { NOTE: This method does not contain error handling to determine if this operation will exceed beyond the beginning/ending of the streamed file } Result := Seek(RecNo * GetRecSize, Origin); end

; function


Rec): Longint; begin

// This function writes the record Rec to the stream Result := Write

(Rec, GetRecSize); end

; function


Rec): Longint; begin

// This function writes the record Rec to the stream Seek(0, 2); Result := Write

(Rec, GetRecSize); end

; function


Rec): Longint; begin

{ This function reads the record Rec from the stream and positions the pointer back to the beginning of the record } Result := Read

(Rec, GetRecSize); Seek(-GetRecSize, 1); end

; procedure

TRecordStream.First; begin

{ This function positions the file pointer to the beginning of the stream } Seek(0, 0); end

; procedure

TRecordStream.Last; begin

// This procedure positions the file pointer to the end of the stream Seek(0, 2); Seek(-GetRecSize, 1); end

; procedure

TRecordStream.NextRec; begin

{ This procedure positions the file pointer at the next record location } { Go to the next record as long as it doesn't extend beyond the end of the file. } if

((Position + GetRecSize) div

GetRecSize) = GetNumRecs then


Exception.Create('Cannot read beyond end of file') else

Seek(GetRecSize, 1); end

; procedure

TRecordStream.PreviousRec; begin

{ This procedure positions the file pointer to the previous record in the stream } { Call this function as long as we don't extend beyond the beginning of

the file

} if

(Position - GetRecSize >= 0) then

Seek(-GetRecSize, 1) else


Exception.Create('Cannot read beyond beginning of the file.'); end

; end



MainFrm; interface


Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Mask, Persrec, ComCtrls; const

// Declare the file name as a constant FName = 'PERSONS.DAT'; type

TMainForm = class

(TForm) edtFirstName: TEdit; edtLastName: TEdit; edtMI: TEdit; meAge: TMaskEdit; lblFirstName: TLabel; lblLastName: TLabel; lblMI: TLabel; lblBirthDate: TLabel; lblAge: TLabel; btnFirst: TButton; btnNext: TButton; btnPrev: TButton; btnLast: TButton; btnAppend: TButton; btnUpdate: TButton; btnClear: TButton; lblRecNoCap: TLabel; lblRecNo: TLabel; lblNumRecsCap: TLabel; lblNoRecs: TLabel; dtpBirthDay: TDateTimePicker; procedure

FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure

FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure

FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure

btnAppendClick(Sender: TObject); procedure

btnUpdateClick(Sender: TObject); procedure

btnFirstClick(Sender: TObject); procedure

btnNextClick(Sender: TObject); procedure

btnLastClick(Sender: TObject); procedure

btnPrevClick(Sender: TObject); procedure

btnClearClick(Sender: TObject); public

PersonRec: TPersonRec; RecordStream: TRecordStream; procedure

ShowCurrentRecord; end

; var

MainForm: TMainForm; implementation

{$R *.DFM} procedure

TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin

{ If the file does not exist, then create it, otherwise, open it for both read and write access. This is done by instantiating a TRecordStream } if

FileExists(FName) then

RecordStream := TRecordStream.Create(FName, fmOpenReadWrite) else

RecordStream := TRecordStream.Create(FName, fmCreate); end

; procedure

TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin

RecordStream.Free; // Free the TRecordStream instance end

; procedure

TMainForm.ShowCurrentRecord; begin

// Read the current record. RecordStream.ReadRec(PersonRec); // Copy the data from the PersonRec to the form's controls with

PersonRec do


edtFirstName.Text := FirstName; edtLastName.Text := LastName; edtMI.Text := MI; dtpBirthDay.Date := BirthDay; meAge.Text := IntToStr(Age); end

; // Show the record number and total records on the main form. lblRecNo.Caption := IntToStr(RecordStream.CurRec); lblNoRecs.Caption := IntToStr(RecordStream.NumRecs); end

; procedure

TMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin

// Display the current record only if one exists. if

RecordStream.NumRecs <> 0 then

ShowCurrentRecord; end

; procedure

TMainForm.btnAppendClick(Sender: TObject); begin

// Copy the contents of the form controls to the PersonRec record with

PersonRec do


FirstName := edtFirstName.Text; LastName := edtLastName.Text; MI := edtMI.Text; BirthDay := dtpBirthDay.Date; Age := StrToInt(meAge.Text); end

; // Write the new record to the stream RecordStream.AppendRec(PersonRec); // Display the current record. ShowCurrentRecord; end

; procedure

TMainForm.btnUpdateClick(Sender: TObject); begin

{ Copy the contents of the form controls to the PersonRec and write it to the stream } with

PersonRec do


FirstName := edtFirstName.Text; LastName := edtLastName.Text; MI := edtMI.Text; BirthDay := dtpBirthDay.Date; Age := StrToInt(meAge.Text); end

; RecordStream.WriteRec(PersonRec); end

; procedure

TMainForm.btnFirstClick(Sender: TObject); begin

{ Go to the first record in the stream and display it as long as there are records that exist in the stream } if

RecordStream.NumRecs <> 0 then


RecordStream.First; ShowCurrentRecord; end

; end

; procedure

TMainForm.btnNextClick(Sender: TObject); begin

// Go to the next record as long as records exist in the stream if

RecordStream.NumRecs <> 0 then


RecordStream.NextRec; ShowCurrentRecord; end

; end

; procedure

TMainForm.btnLastClick(Sender: TObject); begin

{ Go to the last record in the stream as long as there are records in the stream } if

RecordStream.NumRecs <> 0 then


RecordStream.Last; ShowCurrentRecord; end

; end

; procedure

TMainForm.btnPrevClick(Sender: TObject); begin

{ Go to the previous record in the stream as long as there are records in the stream } if

RecordStream.NumRecs <> 0 then


RecordStream.PreviousRec; ShowCurrentRecord; end

; end

; procedure

TMainForm.btnClearClick(Sender: TObject); begin

// Clear all controls on the form edtFirstName.Text := ''; edtLastName.Text := ''; edtMI.Text := ''; meAge.Text := ''; end

; end


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