Delphi - объектно-ориентированный язык программирования, разработанный компанией Borland в 1995 году. Он основан на языке программирования Pascal, но имеет более расширенные возможности и добавлены новые функции.
Delphi является интегрированной средой разработки (IDE), которая позволяет разрабатывать программное обеспечение для различных платформ, включая Windows, macOS, Android и iOS. Delphi достигает многоплатформенности с помощью...
unitRegExpo; interface
Windows, rRegistry, Classes, SysUtils; {$I-} {$LONGSTRINGS ON} { Regexpo Author : Arthur Hoornweg ( Version : 1.00, May 1998 O/S : Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP Delphi 2+ Function : This unit allows you to backup a branch of the registry into a *.REG file, that is compatible with "regedit". Double-clicking such a file in the explorer will import it. Example: ExportRegistryBranch(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWAREBorlandDelphi','A:DELPHI.REG') (c) 1998 A.M. Hoornweg. All rights reserved. You may use this software for all purposes, both commercial and noncommercial, as long as proper credit is given. The sourcecode may be distributed freely, as long as this copyright is included and no more than a marginal fee is asked. Disclaimer: I accept no responsibility whatsoever for any damages caused by these routines. Use them at your own risk. If you find any bugs, please let me know. } procedure
ExportRegistryBranch(Rootsection: Integer; regroot: string
; FileName: string
); implementation
dblBackSlash(t: string
): string
; var
k: longint; begin
Result := t; {Strings are not allowed to have} for
k := Length(t) downto
1 do
{single backslashes} if
Result[k] = '' then
Insert('', Result, k); end
; procedure
ExportRegistryBranch(rootsection: Integer; Regroot: string
; FileName: string
); var
reg: TRegistry; f: Textfile; p: PChar; procedure
ProcessBranch(root: string
); {recursive sub-procedure} var
values, keys: TStringList; i, j, k: longint; s, t: string
; {longstrings are on the heap, not on the stack!} begin
Writeln(f); {write blank line} case
rootsection of
; Writeln(f, '[' + s + '' + root + ']'); {write section name in brackets} reg.OpenKey(root, False); try
values := TStringList.Create; try
keys := TStringList.Create; try
reg.GetValuenames(values); {get all value names} reg.GetKeynames(keys); {get all sub-branches} for
i := 0 to
values.Count - 1 do
{write all the values first} begin
s := values[i]; t := s; {s=value name} if
s = '' then
s := '@' {empty means "default value", write as @} else
s := '"' + s + '"'; {else put in quotes} Write
(f, dblbackslash(s) + '='); {write the name of the key to the file} case
reg.Getdatatype(t) of
{What type of data is it?} rdString, rdExpandString: {String-type} Writeln(f, '"' + dblbackslash(reg.ReadString(t) + '"')); rdInteger: {32-bit unsigned long integer} Writeln(f, 'dword:' + IntToHex(reg.readinteger(t), 8)); {write an array of hex bytes if data is "binary." Perform a line feed after approx. 25 numbers so the line length stays within limits} rdBinary: begin
(f, 'hex:'); j := reg.GetDataSize(t); {determine size} GetMem(p, j); {Allocate memory} reg.ReadBinaryData(t, p^, J); {read in the data, treat as pchar} for
k := 0 to
j - 1 do
(f, IntToHex(Byte(p[k]), 2)); {Write byte as hex} if
k <> j - 1 then
{not yet last byte?} begin
(f, ','); {then write Comma} if
(k > 0) and
((k mod
25) = 0) {line too long?} then
Writeln(f, ''); {then write Backslash +lf} end
; {if} end
; {for} FreeMem(p, j); {free the memory} Writeln(f); {Linefeed} end
; else
Writeln(f, '""'); {write an empty string if datatype illegal/unknown} end
;{case} end
; {for} finally
reg.CloseKey; end
; finally
{value names all done, no longer needed} values.Free; end
; {Now al values are written, we process all subkeys} {Perform this process RECURSIVELY...} for
i := 0 to
keys.Count - 1 do
ProcessBranch(root + '' + keys[i]); finally
keys.Free; {this branch is ready} end
; end
; { ProcessBranch} begin
RegRoot[Length(Regroot)] = '' then
{No trailing backslash} SetLength(regroot, Length(Regroot) - 1); Assignfile(f, FileName); {create a text file} Rewrite(f); if
ioResult <> 0 then
Exit; Writeln(f, 'REGEDIT4'); {"magic key" for regedit} reg := TRegistry.Create; try
reg.Rootkey := Rootsection; {Call the function that writes the branch and all subbranches} ProcessBranch(Regroot); finally
reg.Free; {ready} Close(f); end
; end
; end