Как сделать калькулятор в Delphi?

Delphi - объектно-ориентированный язык программирования, разработанный компанией Borland в 1995 году. Он основан на языке программирования Pascal, но имеет более расширенные возможности и добавлены новые функции.

Как Delphi реализует многоплатформенную разработку?

Delphi является интегрированной средой разработки (IDE), которая позволяет разрабатывать программное обеспечение для различных платформ, включая Windows, macOS, Android и iOS. Delphi достигает многоплатформенности с помощью...

Прерывать сообщения Internet Explorer

Советы » Браузер » Прерывать сообщения Internet Explorer

This component allows you to intercept Internet Explorer messages such as 
"StatusTextChangeEvent", "DocumentCompleteEvent" and so on. 

Mit folgende Komponente lassen sich Nachrichten wie 
"StatusTextChangeEvent", "DocumentCompleteEvent" usw. von 
Internet Explorer Fenstern abfangen. 

 //---- Component Source: Install this component first. 


IEEvents; interface


Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, ComObj, ActiveX, SHDocVW; type

// Event types exposed from the Internet Explorer interface TIEStatusTextChangeEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; const

Text: WideString) of


; TIEProgressChangeEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; Progress: Integer; ProgressMax: Integer) of


; TIECommandStateChangeEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; Command: Integer; Enable: WordBool) of


; TIEDownloadBeginEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject) of


; TIEDownloadCompleteEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject) of


; TIETitleChangeEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; const

Text: WideString) of


; TIEPropertyChangeEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; const

szProperty: WideString) of


; TIEBeforeNavigate2Event = procedure

(Sender: TObject; const

pDisp: IDispatch; var

URL: OleVariant; var

Flags: OleVariant; var

TargetFrameName: OleVariant; var

PostData: OleVariant; var

Headers: OleVariant; var

Cancel: WordBool) of


; TIENewWindow2Event = procedure

(Sender: TObject; var

ppDisp: IDispatch; var

Cancel: WordBool) of


; TIENavigateComplete2Event = procedure

(Sender: TObject; const

pDisp: IDispatch; var

URL: OleVariant) of


; TIEDocumentCompleteEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; const

pDisp: IDispatch; var

URL: OleVariant) of


; TIEOnQuitEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject) of


; TIEOnVisibleEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; Visible: WordBool) of


; TIEOnToolBarEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; ToolBar: WordBool) of


; TIEOnMenuBarEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; MenuBar: WordBool) of


; TIEOnStatusBarEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; StatusBar: WordBool) of


; TIEOnFullScreenEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; FullScreen: WordBool) of


; TIEOnTheaterModeEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; TheaterMode: WordBool) of


; // Event component for Internet Explorer TIEEvents = class

(TComponent, IUnknown, IDispatch) private

// Private declarations FConnected: Boolean; FCookie: Integer; FCP: IConnectionPoint; FSinkIID: TGuid; FSource: IWebBrowser2; FStatusTextChange: TIEStatusTextChangeEvent; FProgressChange: TIEProgressChangeEvent; FCommandStateChange: TIECommandStateChangeEvent; FDownloadBegin: TIEDownloadBeginEvent; FDownloadComplete: TIEDownloadCompleteEvent; FTitleChange: TIETitleChangeEvent; FPropertyChange: TIEPropertyChangeEvent; FBeforeNavigate2: TIEBeforeNavigate2Event; FNewWindow2: TIENewWindow2Event; FNavigateComplete2: TIENavigateComplete2Event; FDocumentComplete: TIEDocumentCompleteEvent; FOnQuit: TIEOnQuitEvent; FOnVisible: TIEOnVisibleEvent; FOnToolBar: TIEOnToolBarEvent; FOnMenuBar: TIEOnMenuBarEvent; FOnStatusBar: TIEOnStatusBarEvent; FOnFullScreen: TIEOnFullScreenEvent; FOnTheaterMode: TIEOnTheaterModeEvent; protected

// Protected declaratios for IUnknown function


IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; override

; function

_AddRef: Integer; stdcall

; function

_Release: Integer; stdcall

; // Protected declaratios for IDispatch function


IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; virtual

; stdcall

; function


, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; virtual

; stdcall

; function

GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; virtual

; stdcall

; function


: Integer; const

IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var

Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; virtual

; stdcall

; // Protected declarations procedure


Text: WideString); safecall; procedure

DoProgressChange(Progress: Integer; ProgressMax: Integer); safecall; procedure

DoCommandStateChange(Command: Integer; Enable: WordBool); safecall; procedure

DoDownloadBegin; safecall; procedure

DoDownloadComplete; safecall; procedure


Text: WideString); safecall; procedure


szProperty: WideString); safecall; procedure


pDisp: IDispatch; var

URL: OleVariant; var

Flags: OleVariant; var

TargetFrameName: OleVariant; var

PostData: OleVariant; var

Headers: OleVariant; var

Cancel: WordBool); safecall; procedure


ppDisp: IDispatch; var

Cancel: WordBool); safecall; procedure


pDisp: IDispatch; var

URL: OleVariant); safecall; procedure


pDisp: IDispatch; var

URL: OleVariant); safecall; procedure

DoOnQuit; safecall; procedure

DoOnVisible(Visible: WordBool); safecall; procedure

DoOnToolBar(ToolBar: WordBool); safecall; procedure

DoOnMenuBar(MenuBar: WordBool); safecall; procedure

DoOnStatusBar(StatusBar: WordBool); safecall; procedure

DoOnFullScreen(FullScreen: WordBool); safecall; procedure

DoOnTheaterMode(TheaterMode: WordBool); safecall; public

// Public declarations constructor

Create(AOwner: TComponent); override

; destructor

Destroy; override

; procedure

ConnectTo(Source: IWebBrowser2); procedure

Disconnect; property

SinkIID: TGuid read

FSinkIID; property

Source: IWebBrowser2 read

FSource; published

// Published declarations property

WebObj: IWebBrowser2 read

FSource; property

Connected: Boolean read

FConnected; property

StatusTextChange: TIEStatusTextChangeEvent read

FStatusTextChange write

FStatusTextChange; property

ProgressChange: TIEProgressChangeEvent read

FProgressChange write

FProgressChange; property

CommandStateChange: TIECommandStateChangeEvent read

FCommandStateChange write

FCommandStateChange; property

DownloadBegin: TIEDownloadBeginEvent read

FDownloadBegin write

FDownloadBegin; property

DownloadComplete: TIEDownloadCompleteEvent read

FDownloadComplete write

FDownloadComplete; property

TitleChange: TIETitleChangeEvent read

FTitleChange write

FTitleChange; property

PropertyChange: TIEPropertyChangeEvent read

FPropertyChange write

FPropertyChange; property

BeforeNavigate2: TIEBeforeNavigate2Event read

FBeforeNavigate2 write

FBeforeNavigate2; property

NewWindow2: TIENewWindow2Event read

FNewWindow2 write

FNewWindow2; property

NavigateComplete2: TIENavigateComplete2Event read

FNavigateComplete2 write

FNavigateComplete2; property

DocumentComplete: TIEDocumentCompleteEvent read

FDocumentComplete write

FDocumentComplete; property

OnQuit: TIEOnQuitEvent read

FOnQuit write

FOnQuit; property

OnVisible: TIEOnVisibleEvent read

FOnVisible write

FOnVisible; property

OnToolBar: TIEOnToolBarEvent read

FOnToolBar write

FOnToolBar; property

OnMenuBar: TIEOnMenuBarEvent read

FOnMenuBar write

FOnMenuBar; property

OnStatusBar: TIEOnStatusBarEvent read

FOnStatusBar write

FOnStatusBar; property

OnFullScreen: TIEOnFullScreenEvent read

FOnFullScreen write

FOnFullScreen; property

OnTheaterMode: TIEOnTheaterModeEvent read

FOnTheaterMode write

FOnTheaterMode; end

; // Register procedure procedure


; implementation


TIEEvents._AddRef: Integer; begin

// No more than 2 counts result := 2; end

; function

TIEEvents._Release: Integer; begin

// Always maintain 1 ref count (component holds the ref count) result := 1; end

; function


IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; begin

// Clear interface pointer Pointer(Obj) := nil

; // Attempt to get the requested interface if

(GetInterface(IID, Obj)) then

// Success result := S_OK // Check to see if the guid requested is for the event else


(IsEqualIID(IID, FSinkIID)) then


// Event is dispatch based, so get dispatch interface (closest we can come) if

(GetInterface(IDispatch, Obj)) then

// Success result := S_OK else

// Failure result := E_NOINTERFACE; end


// Failure result := E_NOINTERFACE; end

; function


IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; begin

// Not implemented result := E_NOTIMPL; end

; function


, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; begin

// Clear the result interface Pointer(TypeInfo) := nil

; // No type info for our interface result := E_NOTIMPL; end

; function

TIEEvents.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; begin

// Zero type info counts Count := 0; // Return success result := S_OK; end

; function


: Integer; const

IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var

Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; var

pdpParams: PDispParams; lpDispIDs: array

[0..63] of

TDispID; dwCount: Integer; begin

// Get the parameters pdpParams := @Params; // Events can only be called with method dispatch, not property get/set if

((Flags and



// Clear DispID list ZeroMemory(@lpDispIDs, SizeOf(lpDispIDs)); // Build dispatch ID list to handle named args if

(pdpParams^.cArgs > 0) then


// Reverse the order of the params because they are backwards for

dwCount := 0 to

Pred(pdpParams^.cArgs) do

lpDispIDs[dwCount] := Pred(pdpParams^.cArgs) - dwCount; // Handle named arguments if

(pdpParams^.cNamedArgs > 0) then



dwCount := 0 to

Pred(pdpParams^.cNamedArgs) do

lpDispIDs[pdpParams^.rgdispidNamedArgs^[dwCount]] := dwCount; end

; end

; // Unless the event falls into the "else" clause of the case statement the result is S_OK result := S_OK; // Handle the event case



102: DoStatusTextChange(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].bstrval); 104: DoDownloadComplete; 105: DoCommandStateChange(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].lval, pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[1]].vbool); 106: DoDownloadBegin; 108: DoProgressChange(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].lval, pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[1]].lval); 112: DoPropertyChange(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].bstrval); 113: DoTitleChange(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].bstrval); 250: DoBeforeNavigate2(IDispatch(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].dispval), POleVariant(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[1]].pvarval)^, POleVariant(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[2]].pvarval)^, POleVariant(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[3]].pvarval)^, POleVariant(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[4]].pvarval)^, POleVariant(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[5]].pvarval)^, pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[6]].pbool^); 251: DoNewWindow2(IDispatch(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].pdispval^), pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[1]].pbool^); 252: DoNavigateComplete2(IDispatch(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].dispval), POleVariant(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[1]].pvarval)^); 253: begin

// Special case handler. When Quit is called, IE is going away so we might // as well unbind from the interface by calling disconnect. DoOnQuit; // Call disconnect Disconnect; end

; 254: DoOnVisible(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].vbool); 255: DoOnToolBar(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].vbool); 256: DoOnMenuBar(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].vbool); 257: DoOnStatusBar(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].vbool); 258: DoOnFullScreen(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].vbool); 259: DoDocumentComplete(IDispatch(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].dispval), POleVariant(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[1]].pvarval)^); 260: DoOnTheaterMode(pdpParams^.rgvarg^[lpDispIds[0]].vbool); else

// Have to idea of what event they are calling result := DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; end

; end


// Called with wrong flags result := DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; end

; constructor

TIEEvents.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin

// Perform inherited inherited

Create(AOwner); // Set the event sink IID FSinkIID := DWebBrowserEvents2; end

; destructor

TIEEvents.Destroy; begin

// Disconnect Disconnect; // Perform inherited inherited

Destroy; end

; procedure

TIEEvents.ConnectTo(Source: IWebBrowser2); var

pvCPC: IConnectionPointContainer; begin

// Disconnect from any currently connected event sink Disconnect; // Query for the connection point container and desired connection point. // On success, sink the connection point OleCheck(Source.QueryInterface(IConnectionPointContainer, pvCPC)); OleCheck(pvCPC.FindConnectionPoint(FSinkIID, FCP)); OleCheck(FCP.Advise(Self, FCookie)); // Update internal state variables FSource := Source; // We are in a connected state FConnected := True; // Release the temp interface pvCPC := nil

; end

; procedure

TIEEvents.Disconnect; begin

// Do we have the IWebBrowser2 interface? if

Assigned(FSource) then



// Unadvise the connection point OleCheck(FCP.Unadvise(FCookie)); // Release the interfaces FCP := nil

; FSource := nil

; except

Pointer(FCP) := nil

; Pointer(FSource) := nil

; end

; end

; // Disconnected state FConnected := False; end

; procedure


Text: WideString); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FStatusTextChange) then

FStatusTextChange(Self, Text); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoProgressChange(Progress: Integer; ProgressMax: Integer); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FProgressChange) then

FProgressChange(Self, Progress, ProgressMax); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoCommandStateChange(Command: Integer; Enable: WordBool); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FCommandStateChange) then

FCommandStateChange(Self, Command, Enable); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoDownloadBegin; begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FDownloadBegin) then

FDownloadBegin(Self); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoDownloadComplete; begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FDownloadComplete) then

FDownloadComplete(Self); end

; procedure


Text: WideString); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FTitleChange) then

FTitleChange(Self, Text); end

; procedure


szProperty: WideString); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FPropertyChange) then

FPropertyChange(Self, szProperty); end

; procedure


pDisp: IDispatch; var

URL: OleVariant; var

Flags: OleVariant; var

TargetFrameName: OleVariant; var

PostData: OleVariant; var

Headers: OleVariant; var

Cancel: WordBool); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FBeforeNavigate2) then

FBeforeNavigate2(Self, pDisp, URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers, Cancel); end

; procedure


ppDisp: IDispatch; var

Cancel: WordBool); var

pvDisp: IDispatch; begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FNewWindow2) then



Assigned(ppDisp) then

pvDisp := ppDisp else

pvDisp := nil

; FNewWindow2(Self, pvDisp, Cancel); ppDisp := pvDisp; end

; end

; procedure


pDisp: IDispatch; var

URL: OleVariant); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FNavigateComplete2) then

FNavigateComplete2(Self, pDisp, URL); end

; procedure


pDisp: IDispatch; var

URL: OleVariant); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FDocumentComplete) then

FDocumentComplete(Self, pDisp, URL); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoOnQuit; begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FOnQuit) then

FOnQuit(Self); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoOnVisible(Visible: WordBool); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FOnVisible) then

FOnVisible(Self, Visible); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoOnToolBar(ToolBar: WordBool); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FOnToolBar) then

FOnToolBar(Self, ToolBar); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoOnMenuBar(MenuBar: WordBool); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FOnMenuBar) then

FOnMenuBar(Self, MenuBar); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoOnStatusBar(StatusBar: WordBool); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FOnStatusBar) then

FOnStatusBar(Self, StatusBar); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoOnFullScreen(FullScreen: WordBool); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FOnFullScreen) then

FOnFullScreen(Self, FullScreen); end

; procedure

TIEEvents.DoOnTheaterMode(TheaterMode: WordBool); begin

// Call assigned event if

Assigned(FOnTheaterMode) then

FOnTheaterMode(Self, TheaterMode); end

; procedure


; begin

// Register the component on the Internet tab of the IDE RegisterComponents('Internet', [TIEEvents]); end

; end

. --- Project source ---- //Notes: Add a button and the IEEvents component to Form1. The button1 click event // shows how the IE enumeration is achieved, and shows how the binding is done: unit

Unit1; interface


Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, IEEvents, StdCtrls, ActiveX, SHDocVw; type

TForm1 = class

(TForm) IEEvents1: TIEEvents; Button1: TButton; procedure

FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure

FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure

IEEvents1Quit(Sender: TObject); procedure

IEEvents1DownloadBegin(Sender: TObject); procedure

IEEvents1DownloadComplete(Sender: TObject); procedure

Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure

IEEvents1ProgressChange(Sender: TObject; Progress, ProgressMax: Integer); private

{ Private declarations } FTimeList: TList; public

{ Public declarations } end

; var

Form1: TForm1; implementation

{$R *.dfm} procedure

TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var

pvShell: IShellWindows; pvWeb2: IWebBrowser2; ovIE: OleVariant; dwCount: Integer; begin

// Create the shell windows interface pvShell := CoShellWindows.Create; // Walk the internet explorer windows for

dwCount := 0 to

Pred(pvShell.Count) do


// Get the interface ovIE := pvShell.Item(dwCount); // At this point you can evaluate the interface (LocationUrl, etc) // to decide if this is the one you want to connect to. For demo purposes, // the code will bind to the first one ShowMessage(ovIE.LocationURL); // QI for the IWebBrowser2 if

(IDispatch(ovIE).QueryInterface(IWebBrowser2, pvWeb2) = S_OK) then


IEEvents1.ConnectTo(pvWeb2); // Release the interface pvWeb2 := nil

; end

; // Clear the variant ovIE := Unassigned; // Break if we connected if

IEEvents1.Connected then

break; end

; // Release the shell windows interface pvShell := nil

; end

; procedure

TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin

// Create the time list FTimeList := TList.Create; end

; procedure

TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin

// Free the time list FTimeList.Free; end

; procedure

TForm1.IEEvents1DownloadBegin(Sender: TObject); begin

// Add the current time to the list FTimeList.Add(Pointer(GetTickCount)); end

; procedure

TForm1.IEEvents1DownloadComplete(Sender: TObject); var

dwTime: LongWord; begin

// Pull the top item off the list (make sure there is one) if

(FTimeList.Count > 0) then


dwTime := LongWord(FTimeList[Pred(FTimeList.Count)]); FTimeList.Delete(Pred(FTimeList.Count)); // Now calculate total based on current time dwTime := GetTickCount - dwTime; // Display a message showing total download time ShowMessage(Format('Download time for "%s" was %d ms', [IEEvents1.WebObj.LocationURL, dwTime])); end

; end

; procedure

TForm1.IEEvents1Quit(Sender: TObject); begin

ShowMessage('About to disconnect'); end

; procedure

TForm1.IEEvents1ProgressChange(Sender: TObject; Progress, ProgressMax: Integer); begin

Caption := IntToStr(Progress); end

; end


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