Как сделать калькулятор в Delphi?

Delphi - объектно-ориентированный язык программирования, разработанный компанией Borland в 1995 году. Он основан на языке программирования Pascal, но имеет более расширенные возможности и добавлены новые функции.

Как Delphi реализует многоплатформенную разработку?

Delphi является интегрированной средой разработки (IDE), которая позволяет разрабатывать программное обеспечение для различных платформ, включая Windows, macOS, Android и iOS. Delphi достигает многоплатформенности с помощью...

Сглажено изменять размер JPEG

Советы » GIF, JPEG, MetaFile » Сглажено изменять размер JPEG


  Before importing an image (jpg) into a database, 
  I would like to resize it (reduce its size) and 
  generate the corresponding smaller file. How can I do this? 

  Load the JPEG into a bitmap, create a new bitmap 
  of the size that you want and pass them both into 
  SmoothResize then save it again ... 
  there's a neat routine JPEGDimensions that 
  gets the JPEG dimensions without actually loading the JPEG into a bitmap, 
  saves loads of time if you only need to test its size before resizing. 


JPEG; type

TRGBArray = array

[Word] of

TRGBTriple; pRGBArray = ^TRGBArray; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------} procedure

SmoothResize(Src, Dst: TBitmap); var

x, y: Integer; xP, yP: Integer; xP2, yP2: Integer; SrcLine1, SrcLine2: pRGBArray; t3: Integer; z, z2, iz2: Integer; DstLine: pRGBArray; DstGap: Integer; w1, w2, w3, w4: Integer; begin

Src.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; Dst.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; if

(Src.Width = Dst.Width) and

(Src.Height = Dst.Height) then

Dst.Assign(Src) else


DstLine := Dst.ScanLine[0]; DstGap := Integer(Dst.ScanLine[1]) - Integer(DstLine); xP2 := MulDiv(pred(Src.Width), $10000, Dst.Width); yP2 := MulDiv(pred(Src.Height), $10000, Dst.Height); yP := 0; for

y := 0 to

pred(Dst.Height) do


xP := 0; SrcLine1 := Src.ScanLine[yP shr

16]; if

(yP shr

16 < pred(Src.Height)) then

SrcLine2 := Src.ScanLine[succ(yP shr

16)] else

SrcLine2 := Src.ScanLine[yP shr

16]; z2 := succ(yP and

$FFFF); iz2 := succ((not

yp) and

$FFFF); for

x := 0 to

pred(Dst.Width) do


t3 := xP shr

16; z := xP and

$FFFF; w2 := MulDiv(z, iz2, $10000); w1 := iz2 - w2; w4 := MulDiv(z, z2, $10000); w3 := z2 - w4; DstLine[x].rgbtRed := (SrcLine1[t3].rgbtRed * w1 + SrcLine1[t3 + 1].rgbtRed * w2 + SrcLine2[t3].rgbtRed * w3 + SrcLine2[t3 + 1].rgbtRed * w4) shr

16; DstLine[x].rgbtGreen := (SrcLine1[t3].rgbtGreen * w1 + SrcLine1[t3 + 1].rgbtGreen * w2 + SrcLine2[t3].rgbtGreen * w3 + SrcLine2[t3 + 1].rgbtGreen * w4) shr

16; DstLine[x].rgbtBlue := (SrcLine1[t3].rgbtBlue * w1 + SrcLine1[t3 + 1].rgbtBlue * w2 + SrcLine2[t3].rgbtBlue * w3 + SrcLine2[t3 + 1].rgbtBlue * w4) shr

16; Inc(xP, xP2); end

; {for} Inc(yP, yP2); DstLine := pRGBArray(Integer(DstLine) + DstGap); end

; {for} end

; {if} end

; {SmoothResize} {--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------} function

LoadJPEGPictureFile(Bitmap: TBitmap; FilePath, FileName: string

): Boolean; var

JPEGImage: TJPEGImage; begin


(FileName = '') then

// No FileName so nothing Result := False //to load - return False... else



// Start of try except JPEGImage := TJPEGImage.Create; // Create the JPEG image... try // now try

// to load the file but JPEGImage.LoadFromFile(FilePath + FileName); // might fail...with an Exception. Bitmap.Assign(JPEGImage); // Assign the image to our bitmap.Result := True; // Got it so return True. finally

JPEGImage.Free; // ...must get rid of the JPEG image. finally end

; {try} except

Result := False; // Oops...never Loaded, so return False. end

; {try} end

; {if} end

; {LoadJPEGPictureFile} {--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------} function

SaveJPEGPictureFile(Bitmap: TBitmap; FilePath, FileName: string

; Quality: Integer): Boolean; begin

Result := True; try


ForceDirectories(FilePath) then



TJPegImage.Create do



Assign(Bitmap); CompressionQuality := Quality; SaveToFile(FilePath + FileName); finally

Free; end

; {try} end

; {with} end

; {if} except


; Result := False; end

; {try} end

; {SaveJPEGPictureFile} {--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------} procedure

ResizeImage(FileName: string

; MaxWidth: Integer); var

OldBitmap: TBitmap; NewBitmap: TBitmap; aWidth: Integer; begin

OldBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try


LoadJPEGPictureFile(OldBitmap, ExtractFilePath(FileName), ExtractFileName(FileName)) then


aWidth := OldBitmap.Width; if

(OldBitmap.Width > MaxWidth) then


aWidth := MaxWidth; NewBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try

NewBitmap.Width := MaxWidth; NewBitmap.Height := MulDiv(MaxWidth, OldBitmap.Height, OldBitmap.Width); SmoothResize(OldBitmap, NewBitmap); RenameFile(FileName, ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.$$$')); if

SaveJPEGPictureFile(NewBitmap, ExtractFilePath(FileName), ExtractFileName(FileName), 75) then

DeleteFile(ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.$$$')) else

RenameFile(ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.$$$'), FileName); finally

NewBitmap.Free; end

; {try} end

; {if} end

; {if} finally

OldBitmap.Free; end

; {try} end

; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------} function

JPEGDimensions(Filename : string

; var

X, Y : Word) : boolean; var

SegmentPos : Integer; SOIcount : Integer; b : byte; begin

Result := False; with

TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead or

fmShareDenyNone) do



Position := 0; Read

(X, 2); if

(X <> $D8FF) then

exit; SOIcount := 0; Position := 0; while

(Position + 7 < Size) do



(b, 1); if

(b = $FF) then



(b, 1); if

(b = $D8) then

inc(SOIcount); if

(b = $DA) then

break; end

; {if} end

; {while} if

(b <> $DA) then

exit; SegmentPos := -1; Position := 0; while

(Position + 7 < Size) do



(b, 1); if

(b = $FF) then



(b, 1); if

(b in

[$C0, $C1, $C2]) then


SegmentPos := Position; dec(SOIcount); if

(SOIcount = 0) then

break; end

; {if} end

; {if} end

; {while} if

(SegmentPos = -1) then

exit; if

(Position + 7 > Size) then

exit; Position := SegmentPos + 3; Read

(Y, 2); Read

(X, 2); X := Swap(X); Y := Swap(Y); Result := true; finally

Free; end

; {try} end

; {with} end

; {JPEGDimensions}

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