Как сделать калькулятор в Delphi?

Delphi - объектно-ориентированный язык программирования, разработанный компанией Borland в 1995 году. Он основан на языке программирования Pascal, но имеет более расширенные возможности и добавлены новые функции.

Как Delphi реализует многоплатформенную разработку?

Delphi является интегрированной средой разработки (IDE), которая позволяет разрабатывать программное обеспечение для различных платформ, включая Windows, macOS, Android и iOS. Delphi достигает многоплатформенности с помощью...

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Comm; interface


Messages, WinTypes, WinProcs, Classes, Forms; type

TPort = (tptNone, tptOne, tptTwo, tptThree, tptFour, tptFive, tptSix, tptSeven, tptEight); TBaudRate = (tbr110, tbr300, tbr600, tbr1200, tbr2400, tbr4800, tbr9600, tbr14400, tbr19200, tbr38400, tbr56000, tbr128000, tbr256000); TParity = (tpNone, tpOdd, tpEven, tpMark, tpSpace); TDataBits = (tdbFour, tdbFive, tdbSix, tdbSeven, tdbEight); TStopBits = (tsbOne, tsbOnePointFive, tsbTwo); TCommEvent = (tceBreak, tceCts, tceCtss, tceDsr, tceErr, tcePErr, tceRing, tceRlsd, tceRlsds, tceRxChar, tceRxFlag, tceTxEmpty); TCommEvents = set


TCommEvent; const

PortDefault = tptNone; BaudRateDefault = tbr9600; ParityDefault = tpNone; DataBitsDefault = tdbEight; StopBitsDefault = tsbOne; ReadBufferSizeDefault = 2048; WriteBufferSizeDefault = 2048; RxFullDefault = 1024; TxLowDefault = 1024; EventsDefault = []; type

TNotifyEventEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; CommEvent: TCommEvents) of


; TNotifyReceiveEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; Count: Word) of


; TNotifyTransmitEvent = procedure

(Sender: TObject; Count: Word) of


; TComm = class

(TComponent) private

FPort: TPort; FBaudRate: TBaudRate; FParity: TParity; FDataBits: TDataBits; FStopBits: TStopBits; FReadBufferSize: Word; FWriteBufferSize: Word; FRxFull: Word; FTxLow: Word; FEvents: TCommEvents; FOnEvent: TNotifyEventEvent; FOnReceive: TNotifyReceiveEvent; FOnTransmit: TNotifyTransmitEvent; FWindowHandle: hWnd; hComm: Integer; HasBeenLoaded: Boolean; Error: Boolean; procedure

SetPort(Value: TPort); procedure

SetBaudRate(Value: TBaudRate); procedure

SetParity(Value: TParity); procedure

SetDataBits(Value: TDataBits); procedure

SetStopBits(Value: TStopBits); procedure

SetReadBufferSize(Value: Word); procedure

SetWriteBufferSize(Value: Word); procedure

SetRxFull(Value: Word); procedure

SetTxLow(Value: Word); procedure

SetEvents(Value: TCommEvents); procedure


Msg: TMessage); procedure

DoEvent; procedure

DoReceive; procedure

DoTransmit; protected


Loaded; override

; public


Create(AOwner: TComponent); override

; destructor

Destroy; override

; procedure

Write(Data: PChar; Len: Word); procedure


(Data: PChar; Len: Word); function

IsError: Boolean; published


Port: TPort read

FPort write

SetPort default


; property

BaudRate: TBaudRate read

FBaudRate write

SetBaudRate default


; property

Parity: TParity read

FParity write

SetParity default


; property

DataBits: TDataBits read

FDataBits write

SetDataBits default


; property

StopBits: TStopBits read

FStopBits write

SetStopBits default


; property

WriteBufferSize: Word read

FWriteBufferSize write

SetWriteBufferSize default


; property

ReadBufferSize: Word read

FReadBufferSize write

SetReadBufferSize default


; property

RxFullCount: Word read

FRxFull write

SetRxFull default


; property

TxLowCount: Word read

FTxLow write

SetTxLow default


; property

Events: TCommEvents read

FEvents write

SetEvents default


; property

OnEvent: TNotifyEventEvent read

FOnEvent write

FOnEvent; property

OnReceive: TNotifyReceiveEvent read

FOnReceive write

FOnReceive; property

OnTransmit: TNotifyTransmitEvent read

FOnTransmit write

FOnTransmit; end

; procedure


; implementation


TComm.SetPort(Value: TPort); const

CommStr: PChar = 'COM1:'; begin

FPort := Value; if

(csDesigning in

ComponentState) or

(Value = tptNone) or


HasBeenLoaded) then

exit; if

hComm >= 0 then

CloseComm(hComm); CommStr[3] := chr(48 + ord(Value)); hComm := OpenComm(CommStr, ReadBufferSize, WriteBufferSize); if

hComm < 0 then


Error := True

; exit; end

; SetBaudRate(FBaudRate); SetParity(FParity); SetDataBits(FDataBits); SetStopBits(FStopBits); SetEvents(FEvents); EnableCommNotification(hComm, FWindowHandle, FRxFull, FTxLow); end

; procedure

TComm.SetBaudRate(Value: TBaudRate); var

DCB: TDCB; begin

FBaudRate := Value; if

hComm >= 0 then


GetCommState(hComm, DCB); case

Value of

tbr110: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_110; tbr300: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_300; tbr600: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_600; tbr1200: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_1200; tbr2400: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_2400; tbr4800: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_4800; tbr9600: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_9600; tbr14400: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_14400; tbr19200: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_19200; tbr38400: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_38400; tbr56000: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_56000; tbr128000: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_128000; tbr256000: DCB.BaudRate := CBR_256000; end

; SetCommState(DCB); end

; end

; procedure

TComm.SetParity(Value: TParity); var

DCB: TDCB; begin

FParity := Value; if

hComm < 0 then

exit; GetCommState(hComm, DCB); case

Value of

tpNone: DCB.Parity := 0; tpOdd: DCB.Parity := 1; tpEven: DCB.Parity := 2; tpMark: DCB.Parity := 3; tpSpace: DCB.Parity := 4; end

; SetCommState(DCB); end

; procedure

TComm.SetDataBits(Value: TDataBits); var

DCB: TDCB; begin

FDataBits := Value; if

hComm < 0 then

exit; GetCommState(hComm, DCB); case

Value of

tdbFour: DCB.ByteSize := 4; tdbFive: DCB.ByteSize := 5; tdbSix: DCB.ByteSize := 6; tdbSeven: DCB.ByteSize := 7; tdbEight: DCB.ByteSize := 8; end

; SetCommState(DCB); end

; procedure

TComm.SetStopBits(Value: TStopBits); var

DCB: TDCB; begin

FStopBits := Value; if

hComm < 0 then

exit; GetCommState(hComm, DCB); case

Value of

tsbOne: DCB.StopBits := 0; tsbOnePointFive: DCB.StopBits := 1; tsbTwo: DCB.StopBits := 2; end

; SetCommState(DCB); end

; procedure

TComm.SetReadBufferSize(Value: Word); begin

FReadBufferSize := Value; SetPort(FPort); end

; procedure

TComm.SetWriteBufferSize(Value: Word); begin

FWriteBufferSize := Value; SetPort(FPort); end

; procedure

TComm.SetRxFull(Value: Word); begin

FRxFull := Value; if

hComm < 0 then

exit; EnableCommNotification(hComm, FWindowHandle, FRxFull, FTxLow); end

; procedure

TComm.SetTxLow(Value: Word); begin

FTxLow := Value; if

hComm < 0 then

exit; EnableCommNotification(hComm, FWindowHandle, FRxFull, FTxLow); end

; procedure

TComm.SetEvents(Value: TCommEvents); var

EventMask: Word; begin

FEvents := Value; if

hComm < 0 then

exit; EventMask := 0; if

tceBreak in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_BREAK); if

tceCts in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_CTS); if

tceCtss in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_CTSS); if

tceDsr in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_DSR); if

tceErr in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_ERR); if

tcePErr in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_PERR); if

tceRing in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_RING); if

tceRlsd in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_RLSD); if

tceRlsds in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_RLSDS); if

tceRxChar in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_RXCHAR); if

tceRxFlag in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_RXFLAG); if

tceTxEmpty in

FEvents then

inc(EventMask, EV_TXEMPTY); SetCommEventMask(hComm, EventMask); end

; procedure


Msg: TMessage); begin


Msg do






lParamLo of

CN_EVENT: DoEvent; CN_RECEIVE: DoReceive; CN_TRANSMIT: DoTransmit; end

; end


Result := DefWindowProc(FWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end

; end

; procedure

TComm.DoEvent; var

CommEvent: TCommEvents; EventMask: Word; begin


(hComm < 0) or


Assigned(FOnEvent) then

exit; EventMask := GetCommEventMask(hComm, Integer($FFFF)); CommEvent := []; if

(tceBreak in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_BREAK <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceBreak]; if

(tceCts in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_CTS <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceCts]; if

(tceCtss in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_CTSS <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceCtss]; if

(tceDsr in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_DSR <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceDsr]; if

(tceErr in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_ERR <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceErr]; if

(tcePErr in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_PERR <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tcePErr]; if

(tceRing in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_RING <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceRing]; if

(tceRlsd in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_RLSD <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceRlsd]; if

(tceRlsds in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_Rlsds <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceRlsds]; if

(tceRxChar in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_RXCHAR <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceRxChar]; if

(tceRxFlag in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_RXFLAG <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceRxFlag]; if

(tceTxEmpty in

Events) and

(EventMask and

EV_TXEMPTY <> 0) then

CommEvent := CommEvent + [tceTxEmpty]; FOnEvent(Self, CommEvent); end

; procedure

TComm.DoReceive; var

Stat: TComStat; begin


(hComm < 0) or


Assigned(FOnReceive) then

exit; GetCommError(hComm, Stat); FOnReceive(Self, Stat.cbInQue); GetCommError(hComm, Stat); end

; procedure

TComm.DoTransmit; var

Stat: TComStat; begin


(hComm < 0) or


Assigned(FOnTransmit) then

exit; GetCommError(hComm, Stat); FOnTransmit(Self, Stat.cbOutQue); end

; procedure

TComm.Loaded; begin


Loaded; HasBeenLoaded := True

; SetPort(FPort); end

; constructor

TComm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin


Create(AOwner); FWindowHandle := AllocateHWnd(WndProc); HasBeenLoaded := False

; Error := False

; FPort := PortDefault; FBaudRate := BaudRateDefault; FParity := ParityDefault; FDataBits := DataBitsDefault; FStopBits := StopBitsDefault; FWriteBufferSize := WriteBufferSizeDefault; FReadBufferSize := ReadBufferSizeDefault; FRxFull := RxFullDefault; FTxLow := TxLowDefault; FEvents := EventsDefault; hComm := -1; end

; destructor

TComm.Destroy; begin

DeallocatehWnd(FWindowHandle); if

hComm >= 0 then

CloseComm(hComm); inherited

Destroy; end

; procedure

TComm.Write(Data: PChar; Len: Word); begin


hComm < 0 then

exit; if

WriteComm(hComm, Data, Len) < 0 then

Error := True

; GetCommEventMask(hComm, Integer($FFFF)); end

; procedure


(Data: PChar; Len: Word); begin


hComm < 0 then

exit; if

ReadComm(hComm, Data, Len) < 0 then

Error := True

; GetCommEventMask(hComm, Integer($FFFF)); end

; function

TComm.IsError: Boolean; begin

IsError := Error; Error := False

; end

; procedure


; begin

RegisterComponents('Additional', [TComm]); end

; end


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